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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor-in-Chief).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Submission of  manuscripts 

  • Only original articles will be accepted, meaning that the content is the result of direct work and that a similar version has not been published or submitted to other journals. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author, who will act on behalf of all other co-authors in all matters concerning the evaluation and publication of the manuscript. It is understood that all authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript and have agreed to submit it to Scientia Agricolis Vita (SAV). The agreement of co-authors, if any, is required for the publication of articles. 
  • Articles will be accepted with a maximum of ten authors of this number is exceeded, it will be analyzed by the editor in chief to see if it corresponds to the effort involved in the research. Once the article has been submitted, no changes to the order or number of authors will be accepted. For the editorial consideration, the author must send the article electronically in Word .doc format, as well as the graphic material, the ORCID identification code and a cover letter signed by the corresponding author.   
  • Authors must propose of recognized from institutions other than their own.   
  • The corresponding author will signed the letter of conformity of the proofs and the letter of copyright assignment in favor of the UANL.  
  • Contributions may be written in Spanish or English, using Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in point Font, with 2.5 margins, with continuous page and line numbering. If the manuscripts is submitted in Spanish, the title, abstract and keywords must also be in English. 
  • Write only the scientific names of the organisms in italics, the words in Latin. Use the units and abbreviations accepted by the International System of Units. Temperatures should be expressed in degrees Celsius.  


Types of publications 

  • Articles: These are original research manuscripts. The paper should report scientifically sound experiments and provide new information.  The article should include the most recent and relevant references in the field. The structure should include Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions sections with a suggested number of 20-25 pages. 
  • Short reports: In the short notes, the next text will not be divided into sections and should not exceed 10 pages, including references, table and figures. It should include title in Spanish and English, authors, abstract, keywords in both languages. Use Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 10 point front, with 2.5 margins, pages and lines numbered consecutively. Conclusions should be included in a final paragraph at the end of figures and/or tables allowed is 2 and the abstract will be maximum of 150 words. 
  • Review articles: Literature reviews will only be accepted for evaluation upon invitation by the Editorial Board of Scientia Agriolis Vita. Reviews provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature within a field of study, identifying gaps or current problems. They should be within the scope of the journal, preferably in English, and should be at least 25pages long, including tables, figures and references. They should be critical and constructive and make recommendations for future research. The structure may include and abstract, keywords, introduction, relevant, sections, discussion and conclusions. 

Preparing the manuscript  

General Considerations 

Research manuscripts should contain: 

Title page: title, list of authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords.  

Sections of the manuscript: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), Acknowledgements, Conflicts of Interest, References. 


Title: The title should be concise and meaningful.  

Author information:  Write the full names of the authors, beginning with the first name(s) and then the surname(s), separating the authors with commas. To indicate affiliations, use numerical superscripts for each author.  

Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT do not currently meet our criteria for authorship. In particular, attribution implies responsibility for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs. The use of an LLM should be properly documented in the Methods section (and if a Methods section is not available, in a suitable alternative part) of the manuscript. 

Summary:  The summary should be a single paragraph, clear and informative, written in the third person, with a maximum length of 250 words for scientific articles and reviews, while short notes should not exceed 150 words. The summary should be understandable without reference to the article. We recommend that you include the following information: purpose of the study, experimental treatments evaluated, results obtained (including key quantitative data), main conclusions and possible implications. References should not be included in the abstract.  

Keywords:  Provide 3 to 5 keywords that are not included in the title. 

Introduction:  The aim is decontextualize the reader in time and space through a brief review of the past and present of the subject of the article, in order to justify the way it will be treated in the future, and as a useful strategy to simulate academic interest in the article. It should include literature relevant to the study, preferably from the last five years, published in scientific journals of recognized prestige. It is recommended to end this section with the aims of the study. 

Scientific names should be written in italics; the genus of the species may be abbreviated after it is mentioned the first time in the text.  

Materials and methods: Provide sufficient detail to allow the reader to reproduce the experiment. It should include the study area, experimental design, variables evaluated, statistical analysis, etc. and be congruent with the objective, described clearly, concisely and in detail. If some methods refer to other published articles, the description could be summaries if it is accessible to the ordinary reader. Modifications to cited methods should also be described, Data from research articles should have been statistically analyzed using recognized statistical methods. Formulas should be prepared using the Microsoft Word text editor. 

Results: This section may be combined with the discussion and should be concise and include tables and/or figures. The text should explain or elaborate on the data presented, but numbers should not normally be repeated in the text. Figures should not repeat information given in the tables this section should be clear, concise and statistically supported. The mean and standard error (or standard deviation) should be reported with the same level of precision. It is recommended not to use nore than 3 significant figures. 

Discussion: This should be based on the interpretation of the result and their objective and unbiased comparison with similar studies, supported by relevant references.  

Conclusions: These should be concise and communicate the contributions of the results obtained.  

Recognition: Where appropriate, the names of people who provide assistance during the research, sources of funding (both founding organizations and research grants, including the name of the funding organization and identification number), but who do not meet the criteria for authorship, may be listed in the acknowledgements section. Should be written in the third person. Authors are responsible for ensuring that individuals named in the acknowledgements agree to be named. 

Conflicts of interest: All authors must disclose any relationship or interest that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, financial interests (such as memberships, employment, consultancies, stock/equity ownership, honoraria, grans or other funding, paid expert testimony, and patent licensing agreements) and non-financial interests (such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, personal beliefs). 

Authors may disclose potential conflicts of interest during the submission process via the online submission system. The corresponding authors must include a summary statement in the manuscript in a separate “conflicts of interest” section located just before the list of references. If no conflicts exist, authors should indicate that they have no conflicts of interest. 

References: References should appear in alphabetical order, following the Harvard format. 


  • Book   

Brown, J. E. (2010). Nutrition Now. 6th. ed. Thomson Wadsworth. Belmont, CA. 

  • Book chapter 

Roca, P., Oliver, J., Rodríguez, A.M. (2003). Seguridad y riesgos en bioquímica: técnicas y métodos. Hélice, Madrid, pp 30-40. 

  • Journal article 

Allan, T., Keulertz, M, y Woertz, E. (2015). The wáter-food-energy nexus: an introduction a to nexus concepts and some conceptual and operational problems. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 31 (3): pp 301-311. doi: 10.1080/07900627.2015.1029118. 

  • Newsletter 

GAO. 1994. Food safety. Risk-based inspections and microbial monitoring needed for meat and poultry. Rept. GAO/RCED 94-110. General Accounting Office. Washington, D.C. 

  • Patents 

Nestec S.A., (2011). Dispositivo de control de una válvula peristáltica para una máquina de preparación de bebidas. Inventores: Denisat., J, L., Bonacci, E., Denisart, J. P., Pliesh, H. y Talón, C. 28 de octubre. Deposited: 7 de mayo de 2008. Spanish patent: ES2367085T3. 

  • Thesis/Dissertation 

López García, J. (2001). Una Aportación a la Aritmética Computacional mediante Lógica Umbral (CD- ROM). Doctoral Dissertation. Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, España. 

  • Websites 

Centre of Academic Writing (2006). The List of References Ilustrated. [Consulte on 7  mayo 2012]. Available at: 


Preparation of tables and figures  


All tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the order. For each table, provide a table title that explains the components of the table. You should identify any previously published material by citing the original source at the end of the table title. Footnotes to tables should be in lowercase, superscripted (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and placed below the body of the table. Figures are not accepted as tables. 


Graphic materials includes figures, charts, maps, drawings, photographs and digital images and should be submitted in .jpg or .png format at a minimum resolution of 1800 X 1800 dots (this is a resolution of 300 DPI and 15 cm on the smaller side of the image). Artwork must include copyright, permission to use or reference and be in an editable format. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Each figure should have a concise caption that accurately describes what the figure represents. Legends should be included in the text file of the manuscript, not in the figure file. Identify previously published material by citing the original source as a reference at the end of the figure caption. 

Suplementary material   

Scientia Agricolis Vita (SAV) accepts supplementary files for online publication together with the manuscript. Supplementary files will also be made available to reviewers as part of the peer review process. 


Authors wishing to include figures or tables from text published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright holders for both print and online formats and provide evidence of such permission when submitting their articles. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to be the authors’ own. 

Source founding 

It is important that any source of funding that has supported the work in the submitted manuscripts described. The statement should include details any grants received, including the name of the funding grant number. This is essential for transparency in research and to avoid conflicts of interest.  

It is important to remember that the absence of a funding statement may be a factor in the decision to publish the paper. Authors should also ensure that all funding details are accurate and complete.  

Payment for publication  

Payment for publication in Scientia Agricolis Vita (SAV) is free of charge. 

Copyright notice 

Scientia Agricolis Vita (SAV) is published under a Creative Commons Attribution  4.0 International (CC BY) licence. 



Estos son manuscritos originales de investigación. El documento debe informar sobre experimentos científicamente sólidos y proporcionar nueva información El artículo debe incluir las referencias más recientes y relevantes en el campo. La estructura debe incluir secciones de Resumen, Palabras Clave, Introducción, Materiales y Métodos, Resultados, Discusión y Conclusiones con un número sugerido de 20-25 páginas.

Short reports

In the short notes, the next text will not be divided into sections and should not exceed 10 pages, including references, table and figures. It should include title in Spanish and English, authors, abstract, keywords in both languages. Use Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 10 point front, with 2.5 margins, pages and lines numbered consecutively. Conclusions should be included in a final paragraph at the end of figures and/or tables allowed is 2 and the abstract will be maximum of 150 words. 


Literature reviews will only be accepted for evaluation upon invitation by the Editorial Board of Scientia Agriolis Vita. Reviews provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature within a field of study, identifying gaps or current problems. They should be within the scope of the journal, preferably in English, and should be at least 25pages long, including tables, figures and references. They should be critical and constructive and make recommendations for future research. The structure may include and abstract, keywords, introduction, relevant, sections, discussion and conclusions. 

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses submitted to this magazine will only be used for the purposes stated in this magazine and will not be shared with third parties or used for any other purpose.