Sampling strategies for forest fuel inventory in a Pinus oocarpa forest Schiede ex Schltdl.



fuel load; planar intersections; sampling schemes; forest fires.


Introduction: The forest fuels study allows us to define precise fire management strategies in forest areas. However, there is uncertainty about the level of precision of fuel inventories and the sufficient number of test lines to apply the planar intersection technique. Objective: Determine the forest fuel load in a forest of Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl of the municipality of Motozintla, Chiapas, applying different sampling schemes (number of lines) that allow greater precision and statistical rigor. Methodology: The planar intersection technique was applied to determine the loads of woody and leaf litter fuels, establishing 5 to 40 test lines. Results: The best monitoring scheme was 40 lines ha-1 for the total load of woody and leaf litter fuels. Of the four sites evaluated, site 3 showed the highest accumulation of woody fuels (56.44 + 5.01 t ha-1) and site 1 (19.71 + 2.47 t ha-1) for leaf litter fuels. Conclusions: It is important to maintain the minimum scheme of 40 lines ha-1, given that, as the number of linear transects increases, the standard deviation and measurement error are reduced.


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How to Cite

Barrios Calderón, R. de J., Reyes Mateo, M., Escalona Domenech, R. Y., Falcón Oconor, E., Trigueros Vázquez, I. Y. and Gabriel-Hernández, M. (2024) “Sampling strategies for forest fuel inventory in a Pinus oocarpa forest Schiede ex Schltdl”., Scientia Agricolis Vita, 1(2), pp. 1–11. Available at: (Accessed: 19 September 2024).



