Anti-plagiarism policy

Scientia Agricolis Vita (SAV) is committed to ensuring the academic integrity and originality of all articles published in our journal. To this end, we use the iThenticate plagiarism detection tool to evaluate all manuscripts received prior to peer review. 

Our anti-plagiarism policy is based on the following principles: 

  1. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are original and have not been previously submitted for publication to another journal. Any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited. 
  2. By submitting manuscript for publication in SAV journal, authors grant permission for the journal to verify its originality using the iThenticate tool or any other plagiarism detection tool deemed appropriate by the journal. 
  3. If plagiarism is detected, the journal reserves the right to reject or withdraw the manuscript from publication, even after publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions to reproduce copyrighted material. 
  4. If plagiarism is detected in a published article, the journal will investigate the matter and take appropriate action, which may include retraction of the article and notification of relevant parties, including the authors’ employers and funders. 

SAV journal is committed to protecting academic integrity and promoting originality in scientific research. Our anti-copying policy is an integral part of this commitment and is designed to ensure that all articles published in our journal meet the highest standards of quality and originality.