Utilization of agro-industrial wastes to obtain thermostable plant cell wall degrading enzymes using a co-culture of basid-iomycetes.





circular bioeconomy, citrus peel, valorization


The enzyme production of CMCases, avicellases, xylanases, amylases, and laccase in a co-culture of Trametes maxima CU1 and Pycnoporus sanguineus CS2 was evaluated in submerged culture media based on agro-industrial wastes. The results showed a synergy in the production of several enzymes, including CMCases, avicellases, xylanases, amylases, and laccases, when different combinations of substrates and supplements were used. Although only one condition for maximum enzyme production was expected to be found, the highest titers of amylases (445 Ul-1) and b-D-glycosidase (1249 Ul-1) were quantified in treatment 4. The highest titers of CMCases (1983 Ul-1) were found in the Tx 5 medium, while the highest levels of avicellases were detected in the Tx1 medium (890 Ul-1). The best xylanase production (837 Ul-1) was found in the Tx8 treatment. Regarding laccase production, the best medium was Tx9 with 142 Ul-1. All hydrolases showed a maximum activity at 70 oC, which they retained at 90 oC. These results allow us to conclude that the co-culture of Trametes maxima CU1 and Pycnoporus sanguineus CS2 is an alternative to obtain low-cost enzymatic adjuvants with promising applications in various industries


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How to Cite

López-Sandin, I., Gutiérrez-Soto, G., Elizondo Luevano, J. H., Parra Saldívar , R., Franco Flores, M., Castillo Martínez, D. and Garza Hernandez, D. M. (2024) “Utilization of agro-industrial wastes to obtain thermostable plant cell wall degrading enzymes using a co-culture of basid-iomycetes”., Scientia Agricolis Vita, 1(2), pp. 12–21. doi: 10.29105/agricolis.v1i2.18.



