
2 Items
  • Ecology of natural and disturbed ecosystems: Research into the interactions between organisms and their environment in natural systems, and how these systems are affected by disturbances such as climate change, pollution and human land use. 
  • Climate change and its impact on biological systems: Research into how changes in climate affect biological systems, including plants, animals and microorganisms, and how biological systems can mitigate or adapt to these changes. 
  • Biology and conversation of biodiversity: Research on the Earth’s biological diversity, including the distribution of species, the interactions between them and their ecological and economic importance, and strategies to conserve biodiversity. 
  • Conservation biology and ecosystem restoration: Research on the biological and ecological processes to be considered in the restoration of degraded ecosystems, including the restoration of biodiversity and the enhancement of ecosystem services. 
  • Natural resource management and sustainable landscape management: Research on natural resource management, to maximize social and economic benefits while protecting biodiversity and natural resources. 
  • Population and community biology and ecology: Research on population dynamics and species interactions in biological communities, predation, symbiosis and disease dynamics. 
  • Ecotoxicology and environmental biomarkers: Research on effects of contaminants on organisms and ecosystems, including the identification of biomarkers of environmental health. 
  • Microbial ecology and its role in ecosystem biogeochemistry: Research on micro-organisms and their role in nutrient dynamics and ecosystem biogeochemistry, including the role of micro-organisms inn decomposition, nitrogen fixation and carbon cycling. 

All Items

  • Potential applications of microalgae bacteria consortia for waste treatment and valuable bioproducts

    Celestino García-Gómez
  • The Affective Domain in the Teaching-Learning Process of Mathematics

    Miranda Ortiz Alonso